6 Strategies to Help You Stick to Your Resolutions

6 Strategies to Help You Stick to Your Resolutions

Make a Permanent Change

By now, we’ve all heard the oft-quoted statistics about how few people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions going past January. For the record, 80 percent of people quit their goals after the first month of the year, according to Business Insider. But you certainly don’t need to follow the crowd, do you? Be a rebel and actually stick to your resolutions by keeping the following six strategies in mind.

Wondering how your life will change if you keep your resolutions? Speak to a life path psychic and find out!

1. Set a Realistic Goal
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you even start by putting pressure on yourself to meet a goal that’s just not achievable. While it’s great to set high expectations for yourself, you also need to live in your own reality. Losing 50 pounds in three months or getting married by the end of the year (when you’re currently single) are likely out of everyone’s reach. Instead, do yourself a favor and make a commitment to a goal you can actually keep.

2. Help Yourself Out
Be your own champion by making it easier to keep your resolutions going. For example, if you want to achieve a healthier lifestyle, stop buying junk food and clear out all the treats from your cabinets too. If you want to spend less time on social media, delete the apps from your phone. Even taking small steps will certainly make it easier to keep yourself on track.

3. Divide Your Resolutions Into Mini Milestones
A big goal can seem overwhelming when looked at as a whole. However, you can make it achievable by breaking it down into smaller parts. If you want to change careers and follow your creative passion, for example, write down all the steps it will take to get there. (Like, save up x number of dollars to create a nest egg, get any training you need, reach out to your network for connections, etc). Every time you complete one of the steps, reward yourself! And get excited that you’re that much closer to your huge goal too.

4. Celebrate Your Wins
Speaking of rewards, it’s no secret that keeping resolutions is much easier when you know that you’ll get something for your commitment. For instance, if you’re committing to making your own coffee instead of hitting up your local barista for a latte, treat yourself to one, non-homemade cuppa a month or week—whatever! This way, you’ll see a light at the end of the tunnel if you’re struggling with your goal.

5. Stay Accountable
Create an accountability system that will encourage you to keep going. This may include enlisting a person who can remind you to hit the gym or take some time for self-care too. Or it could be a commitment you make to tweet every day about your progress so you followers can cheer you on. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you’re not trying to achieve a goal in a vacuum. Other people can lift you up or make you answer for your slips if you get off track.

6. Get Back on Track When You Slip Up
On that note, it’s so easy to just give up when you veer off course from your resolutions. But if you want to create permanent change, know that there will be slipups along the way. Meet these challenges with grace (no shaming!) and get yourself back on course the next day.

Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics can tell you where you’re headed. And if you don’t like where you’re headed, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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