Psychic Cameron Answers Your Love Questions

Psychic Cameron Answers Your Love Questions

Your Love Questions, Answered

As a love psychic, Psychic Cameron answers a lot of love questions. That makes him a love expert and we’ve asked him to share his answers to some of most the common love questions he’s been asked since 2011 in his 6,600+ readings.

Your detailed love reading is waiting. Read with a love psychic, like Psychic Cameron, today.

1. What can I do to attract my soulmate?

The most important thing you can do to attract your soulmate is to maintain a vibration of love. This means you need to love everything and everyone to the best of your ability. Many of us think, “I’ll be loving when my partner gets here,” but actually, the reverse is true. Love responds to love—any kind of love. When you are coming from a place of unconditional love, it’s much easier to find the love of your life.

Please note, I’m not talking about letting people walk all over you. Instead, it’s about making the choice to be loving at all times. When you are in that space of loving, and there are so many things to love—chocolate, old movies, dancing, yoga, a new puppy, friends from work—you give off a vibration that is deeply attractive. Many of us go into a relationship looking for the person who will love us, but the higher vibration is beginning each day with the questions: “What can I give today?” and “Who needs my loving support?” When you are in that space you give off a vibration that is deeply attractive and magnetic. No one can resist someone who loves life as much as they love themselves.

2. How can I avoid being attracted to the wrong person?

It’s important with dating to always start with your intention. What kind of relationship do you want? What are you looking for in a partner? These are important questions to ask before you begin to date anyone. It’s easier to set your intentions and standards first than to try and figure out what you want later.

There is no doubt about it: Sometimes we pick people from our light, but also from our shadow. It’s important before your soulmate arrives to be clear about what your issues are in relationships and try to work through them before he or she gets here. If you have a habit of repeatedly choosing the wrong people, you need to find out why. It also doesn’t hurt to do affirmations before you go on any date. Say, “I want a wonderful relationship based on mutual trust, love, and respect.” Affirmations are part of your intention. They tell the universe what you want and what is a priority for you, and they also help weed out those who are wrong for you.

3. Is a relationship that started as an affair doomed to fail?

Not necessarily. Sometimes two people come together and fall in love and one of them is still in a relationship. I don’t want to seem like I am condoning cheating here, but we are human, and people sometimes meet their partner before the first relationship ends. While the new relationship isn’t doomed, it may have challenges. I tell my clients to watch how the other person leaves the other relationship. Are they loving and respectful, or unkind and overly eager to start a new life?

Usually the relationships I’ve seen that are most successful after an affair are the ones where people have begun a process of change before they meet the other person. It is important in situations like this if it is really about love and moving on, to respect everyone involved, and to be as kind as possible. How the previous relationship ends determines the kind of relationship you can look forward to.

4. How can I keep my relationship fresh and exciting?

The best way to keep a relationship fresh is to have something in your life that is completely your own. In other words, some people make the mistake of falling in love and making their partner their entire lives. But for many people on the other end of that attention, it can become a turn-off. If you have a dynamic career that you enjoy, if you like to travel, if you do volunteer work that is meaningful, make sure to maintain these things in the relationship.

If it is a new relationship, you don’t have to be available every hour on the hour. Sometimes it is good for your partner to hear, “I can’t have dinner Tuesday; I have my cooking class that night.” What you are telling them is that you respect yourself and the things you love and that they are with someone who loves themselves as much as they love the relationship. Remember, if you are growing, your relationship is growing. You stay fresh and exciting and the relationship will take care of itself.

5. How can I turn my friendship into a romance?

Almost every lasting romance I’ve encountered as a psychic has started with a wonderful friendship at the core. Even if the friendship was only for a day or a week, the best romances usually begin as friendships. If you are attracted to a friend, and you’d like to see if it can develop into something more, try and spend some meaningful alone time together. This is important—especially if you usually socialize with a group of friends. Invite them to dinner by candlelight with intimate music playing as a way to signal that you would like something more.

Many of the people I read for overlook friends as potential soulmates because they think that a soulmate has to be someone new. That’s not true! Just be open to new possibilities in your old friendship but don’t be offended or take it personally if your friend says they don’t want to risk losing the friendship by dating. Either way, you can’t lose!

Being in love is a life experience that everyone deserves. Whether you’re looking for your soulmate or wondering how to keep the romantic fires burning in your relationship, a love psychic can help. They want to see you happy and a psychic love reading is all you need to find or keep the love that is meant for you.

Find a love psychic or learn more about psychic love readings.

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6 thoughts on “Psychic Cameron Answers Your Love Questions

  1. Wendy Best

    Will I ever learn to be secure? Have I chased the only man away that I have ever really been in love with?

  2. Jessica Rocha

    I am still married. We are separated and it has only been three months. He says he’s single. He’s on all those nasty websites looking for a one night stand. We still jave sex from time to time. I love him with all my heart and all I want him to do is come back. To hold me of his own free will. To call me babe and my guerita again. I’m not a girl who believes in divorce. I’m desperate. I don’t want him to cheat. I won’t rub it in his face. I will make the changes he needs and makes him happy. I feel he is my soul mate. Am I forever to lose him. Is there anything to bring him back to me. I am so sorry how it ended but I know in my heart of hearts we are meant to grow old together. Any love for me he once had is buried so deep I can’t see the man I love. I know we can start fresh. I will fix the things that bothered him. I want him to hug me, to kiss me, to sleep next to me from time to time. I don’t mind dating exclusivity and getting to know each other again. I know he loves me but is to stubborn to admit it. I am so down and depressed. I Can’t do anything right for him. Please give me guidance or help or a spell to make him miss me and open his heart to me again. I know we can do it. I know it in the depth of the deepest part of my heart. He’s my love. I am incomplete without him. I wanted to be his last. He’s so mean to me now. I feel it’s so he doesn’t have to feel his true feelings. I feel as if I’m dying. Please help me.

  3. Keily

    Ive been in a relationship for 3 yrs. We have are ups and down each day. Lately i have been noticing that he has been distance and i know that there is something is wrong and i good sense and not good what i feel. Please tell that i am wrong and he is being true . I want to know the truth. What is my future like like with this person

    1. Nigell Corliss

      My wife and I are separated we spent the weekend together with the kids and both slept in different rooms she wants to be friends but I would love more my feelings are very strong for I love so deeply I want to know if I am getting my hopes up for no reason

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