The Art of Acceptance

Sometimes life is rough. Sometimes what shows up isn’t what you wanted. Sometimes less-than-ideal things happen.

What do you do when this is the case?

Sometimes you strive too little. Sometimes you strive too much. Sometimes you strive so hard you don’t know any more that you are striving.

What do you do when this is the case?

Sometimes your ideas of who you should be get in the way of who you are. Sometimes who you are gets in the way of who you want or need to be.

What do you do when this is the case?

The answers, with certainty, will vary. Not only instance to instance, but instant to instant. Living with deep acceptance is an ongoing practice. For most of us, there’s not some ultimate end-point to learning acceptance.

In one moment you may feel challenged by an interaction with a loved one, and the next moment you may release attachment and find yourself settling into acceptance. The next moment you may find yourself once again gnawing at the perceived emotional injury, and have to will yourself to stillness.

In stillness you will find acceptance.

Attachment, stillness, acceptance. What do these terms mean? Learning the contours of these terms is also an ongoing practice, based in body/mind/spirit awareness. As you find the stillness where the conflict within subsides, you arrive at acceptance.

According to Buddhism, attachment is suffering. Attachment is the catch in your breath that comes with fear or excitement. It’s the feeling in your gut as you remember past events, or imagine future ones.

Attachment is as present in hope as it is in fear, in desires as it is in resistance. Attachment is a state we often confuse with emotions such as love or fear.

Acceptance exists in that place where we stop grasping for long enough to realize we already have the desired thing within our reach. Or more accurately, never had nor will have it at all. Acceptance is the awareness that life is as it is.

Deep acceptance is the first step to creating conscious change. There is no wishing that will change the state you are in now, but acceptance will allow you to change that state through releasing attachment to past and future perceptions of rightness.

Deep acceptance is both a key to liberation, and the doorway it opens. With deep acceptance, you become aligned with the world as it is, and the world as it is becomes aligned with your acceptance.


Lasara Firefox Allen, MPNLP, is an author, educator, activist, & coach. Lasara’s first book, the bestselling Sexy Witch  (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2005), was published under the name LaSara FireFox. Lasara is offering a tele-course on Deep Acceptance starting January 10, 2011.

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7 thoughts on “The Art of Acceptance

  1. Pingback: Letting go… | Take what you will

  2. chloechloe

    Another wonderful article Lasara!

    I’m so glad you’ve joined us here at California Psychics!

    This notion of acceptance comes up in my readings often.

    In Tarot it reminds me of the card of the High Priestess – often the message is ‘Trust the universe. It will unfold as it is meant to’.

    Thank you again.

    Love & Light!

    ~Chloe (ext.9421)

  3. misskrystal

    Accepting conditions as they are is a “Spring board-mind set” that gets people faster to where they want to be in life. If you can’t accept the truth, how can you triumph and overcome obstacles? How can you also protect yourself? The truth always has a way of coming to the surface, anyway, so it is best to accept the reality in order to move forward. Just wanted to add. Thanks, Miss Krystal

  4. Jacqueline

    Hi Lasara,
    Very nice to meet you, I enjoyed your article, when I work with my clients often they experience this feeling like changing and shifting through issues can be a challenge, often we discuss the issues that are creating the blocks such as patients, forgiving an ex, through this acknowledgment with some physical, emotional effort these blocks can be removed and your desires can come through.

    Blessings and Big Hugs, I look forward to reading more from you!
    Jacqueline x9472

  5. misskrystal

    So true. The way the world is changing, this author offers a very unique and realistic approach. Life would be much easier-I agree. Thanks LaSara…Lovely name..
    Miss Krystal

  6. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Excellent article !!!!

    VERY true points…..part of what I always taught my students in developing their psychic abilities as well.

    And I hope to read more articles from this Author, LaSara FireFox

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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